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Thursday, February 11, 2010

We got more snow! Oh my goodness!! Snow never ceases to amaze me. Yes, it's beautiful. And yes I'm tired of it already, just like everyone else around here. But hey...let's give it one last (hopefully) shot...

In the wee hours of Wednesday morning when the snow was coming fast and furiously, I happened to look outside as I was turning out the lights on my way to bed. It was 2:00 AM (hello fellow night-owls!) and this is what I saw:

I took this picture without a flash. It was that bright outside. I'm sure the weather geeks can explain it. All that light bouncing around. It filled me with a sense of wonder.

Here is the snow coming down (taken with the flash):

The next morning I took a look around the yard, first at the birdfeeder:

...the deck railing:

...the old backyard fence:

...a pine laden with, yes, snow:

Oh, it was lovely!
But wait...
What's that I hear? Might it be the sound of five and six year old boys in boots?
The nephews are coming!! The nephews are coming!!
Snow day...no school! Oh, the fun we had!

This is M:
Don't you think he should be a model for snowsuits?

This is G:

He 's busy being a dog, crawling and barking all over the yard.

When it was time to come in we took off the cold wet stuff...

and moved on to the warm chocolate stuff:

G is lapping up his hot chocolate, still in dog mode.

That's what snow is all about.


Mimi said...

Great photos, Nana! The boys are having so much fun! My favorite is the one you took from the deck with the snow falling. Very cool!

Anonymous said...

My those boys are handsome!!
